Examples of missions carried out
by our experts on FIT in NETWORK
Management mission : Managing Director

Management - General Management with corporate mandate
Sector & company
Industry, secondary construction work, BtoB production and distribution
Family-owned company, with the participation of an investment fund, size 10-20 m€.
Objectives of the mission
Turnaround of distressed companies in a mature and sluggish market.
Simplification of the product range, relaunch of a commercial dynamic, implementation of a new industrial organisation (workshops), improvement of quality & respect of deadlines, optimisation of stocks and improvement of the financial situation.
Results achieved
Over a period of 9 in total, setting up a management team responsible for the operational, commercial and financial management of the company. Discontinuation of a non-competitive product range and launch of a new range with high volume potential in a growing market. Closure of regional counters and concentration of activity on a single site, launch of new investments with bank support. Implementation of new production cycles, with improved lead times and a sharp increase in product quality.
Reinforcement of the sales team & recruitment of a Sales Director.
Return to economic equilibrium (6 months) and implementation of a new budget with growth in turnover (2 figures) and return to equilibrium in net profit (n+1).
Organisation of the handover to the Chairman, who has returned to the operational General Management in his new responsibilities.
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Customer Testimonials
"Faced with our urgent request, FIT in NETWORK was able to react quickly, organising a day-long meeting with four Transition Managers who were able to respond to our request.
The mission was thus able to start on schedule.
FIT in NETWORK then monitored progress throughout the mission, in order to ensure that our expectations and the progress of the mission were always in line with each other.
The interim manager that we selected used his managerial skills in our company to unite the teams around a few structuring projects, reviving employee support in a difficult period to move forward".
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Management mission : Project manager

Management - Project management
Sector & company
Industry - production and distribution of paper and cardboard packaging
Subsidiary of an international Group
Objectives of the mission
Implementation of an industrial partnership between our client and its direct client, itself an international player in the industry, for the management of all its packaging solutions in BtoB and BtoC.
On a European perimeter, covering more than 50 industrial sites and more than 20,000 references, implementation of centralised packaging management with a policy of harmonisation of suppliers and pricing conditions.
The objective is to optimise packaging sourcing conditions while ensuring the continuity of all production lines on a European scale.
Results achieved
For an initial period of 12 months, extended to 18 months at the request of our customer.
Implementation of KPI's communication and exchange interfaces between our client and its industrial partner.
Implementation of a matrix organisation within the Group, bringing together all the key functions essential to the success of the project: industry, sourcing, planning, contractual, logistics and financial.
Project management, team training and coordination with the industrial sites concerned.
Through several geographical waves and country by country, gradual takeover of all packaging activities at European level, simplification and harmonisation of the supplier portfolio and creation of a new skills centre within our client.
Customer Testimonials
“ FIT in NETWORK has shown its ability to present on short notice a list of qualified professionals for our industrial project director interim management mission.
This has given us the choice to contract the best “fit” with our Group culture and needs.
During all the mission length, the intermediate progress meetings organised with us, the interim manager and FIT in NETWORK have ensured reaching the various objectives.“
The interim manager experience has been a tremendous asset on a project of this scale, where we needed to move from a concept to live operational delivery of a brand new business model with the implementation of people, processes and systems ready to operate across 50+ customer site all over Europe under a tight time frame.
A project where not only he has shown very detailed hands-on operational involvement, whilst also being a very valuable sparring partner to further develop some of the strategic thinking still needed, always keeping the big picture in mind when required to provide a clear vision to the teams, on a project which has over the last 18 months been very cyclical in terms of pace and engagement.
As the implementation of the project has been successfully completed, I felt confident in giving an extra mission for creating a generic “recipe book” that would capture the benefits of this interim management mission in order to sell and implement such a new business model to another industrial customer. ”
Finance mission: General Secretary

Finance - General Secretary with participation in equity transactions.
Sector & company
Services, strategic advice to companies.
Independent company, among the leaders in France and Europe in its sector, providing advice & economic intelligence to its clients for their strategic decision-making.
Objectives of the mission
Following the departure of the Secretary General, and given the long recruitment process to find a replacement, the decision was taken to resort to an interim management mission.
Organisation of the annual closing of accounts with the Chairman, preparation of budgets in relation with the partners, day-to-day financial management, supervision of international subsidiaries and participation in external growth projects.
Active participation in the process of recruiting a permanent contract holder for the position.
Results achieved
Over a period of 6 months, extended to 8 months.
Completion of the annual financial statement, within the deadlines, with organisation of all associated legal matters.
Annual budget put in place, with commercial and financial objectives set with each of the organisation's partners.
In addition to the reference mission, new medium-term financing lines were set up and standard customer contracts were revised to improve risk management.
Organisation of a roadshow with investors to strengthen equity capital with the conclusion of the entry of new strategic shareholders into the capital.
Coordination, with the Human Resources Department, of the recruitment process for the new Secretary General. After review by our client of all the applications received, our interim manager was finally recruited, with our agreement, by our client!
Customer Testimonials
"The company FIT in NETWORK succeeded in presenting us with 3 shortlisted candidates for our needs within a week. We appreciated the reactivity and professionalism right from the proposal and organisation phase of the meetings.
Throughout the duration of the mission, the regular meetings with the Mission Director allowed us, especially during the start-up phase, to clearly define the objectives and to ensure that the interim manager concentrated on the essentials.
While carrying out his mission, the seconded manager took part in the interviews to find the candidate with complete objectivity. As the months went by, it finally became clear to us that the ideal profile was already with us and, in agreement with FIT in NETWORK, we decided to recruit the interim manager.
As this is our first successful experience with an interim manager, we will undoubtedly make use of it in the event of a management vacancy in the future. ”
Finance and human resources mission: IT Project Manager

IT Project Manager Finance & Human Resources
Sector & company
High-tech industry, production & sale of BtoB equipment
French subsidiary of a European group: ETI employs several hundred employees spread over several production sites throughout France.
Objectives of the mission
Assisting the French subsidiary in the choice of a new HR IS, a project co-piloted by the Administrative & Financial Department (5DAF) and the Human Resources Department (HRD)...
Collecting the needs of internal users and the Group, drawing up specifications, organising consultations with software publishers, setting up a timetable and budget to launch the project.
Results achieved
Over a period of 4 months, extended to 6 months of mission.
Carrying out an initial internal consultation of all users: industrial department, human resources department, finance & management control department, business line department, etc. in order to identify all information needs.
Definition of the HR data analysis models required internally, for the analysis of the past and, above all, for drawing up medium and long-term forecasts.
Contacting software companies, collecting proposals, organising meetings with our client, drawing up a benchmark and a shortlist for final selection.
Accompaniment of our client in the choice and contractualisation of the chosen solution, by mutual agreement between the HR and Finance Departments.
Transmission of the project to the Group's digital teams for implementation.
Customer Testimonials
"This mission allowed us to discover new software vendors not previously identified and going far beyond our expectations in terms of HR data analysis.
Thanks to the time and positive energy brought by the interim manager who accompanied us, we managed to work in project mode while letting the internal teams continue their day-to-day activities.
The availability of an external resource positively 'energised' our organisation and we were able to select a relevant solution within a reasonable budget. All this was validated by our Group and the project was launched with our internal digital teams - CIOs.
The support of FIT in NETWORK was a key success factor, liaising with us and the interim manager at regular milestones. ”