Difficulties in recruiting executives : No Lull in sight

For the second quarter of 2023, executive recruitment intentions are declining but recruitment pressure should remain high, encouraging companies to improve the employment conditions offered to candidates.

Fewer executive recruitments

The ongoing social mobilization against the pension reform may have led companies to postpone certain recruitment projects. As a result, hiring intentions for executives are down for the second quarter of 2023. Hiring intentions are down in large organizations (54%; -8 pts) and in SMEs (17%; -5 pts), but are holding steady in VSEs (8%; +1 pt). This decline, which is similar to the one seen in March 2022 after the December 2021 peak, could also be partly seasonal.

A temporary dip in hiring intentions

Several indicators point to a probable stabilization of executive hiring at a high level. Indeed, business confidence in their activity is strengthening in SMEs (83%) and SMBs (87%) and is increasing in VSEs (76%; +7 pts). In addition, business investment, which is a key determinant of executive employment, remains dynamic. As a reminder, in 2023, nearly 310,000 executive recruitments are expected, driven by the skills needs of high value-added sectors.

Despite the decline in hiring intentions, the level of tension persists

84% of companies planning to hire executives in Q2 anticipate difficulties in doing so, a proportion that has returned to its highest level (+5 pt). Faced with difficulties in recruiting, companies are expected to continue their adjustment strategies, particularly with regard to salaries and employment conditions. 17% of companies say they are prepared to increase their initial salary by 10% and 30% are prepared to give the candidate more days of telecommuting than expected in order to finalize the recruitment.

Source: https://www.apec.fr/tendances-emploi-cadre/processus-de-recrutement-des-cadres/difficultes-de-recrutement-de-cadres-et-si-on-s-inspirait-de-nos-voisins-europeens-pour-trouver-des-solutions.html#xtor=EPR-1584

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