Difficulties in recruiting executives: Should France take inspiration from its European neighbors ?
Elsewhere in Europe, companies are also struggling to find the skills they need. The solutions they are implementing to achieve this are a source of inspiration for recruiters in France.
An executive job market under strong pressure
Hiring of executives reached a record level in 2022 and is expected to be similar in 2023. This is good news for executives with career mobility plans. On the other hand, for companies, it means greater tension in recruiting: increased competition between recruiters, candidates with several choices of positions and, once they are courted, in a favorable position to negotiate their employment conditions, and in particular their salary.
Inspiring European examples for recruiters in France
If we look at the situation in other European countries*, we see that the sectors, professions and skills in tension are generally the same. Companies have had to review their recruitment practices to overcome these difficulties. However, there is nothing revolutionary about this; it is more a question of deepening existing practices than of truly innovating or breaking new ground. They are in addition to the good practices already in place, such as writing a job offer clearly announcing the advantages offered compared to other companies, diversifying recruitment channels, taking care of relations with candidates, etc.
Further improve recruitment practices
The 15 operational avenues or solutions that have been highlighted, based on feedback from other European companies, can be applied at any stage of the recruitment process: upstream in long-term sourcing strategies, at the time of defining and expressing the need for skills to make the value proposition more attractive, during the recruitment process itself to make it more efficient and, finally, downstream, to invest in the candidates selected and not selected.
Source : https://www.apec.fr/tendances-emploi-cadre/processus-de-recrutement-des-cadres/difficultes-de-recrutement-de-cadres-et-si-on-s-inspirait-de-nos-voisins-europeens-pour-trouver-des-solutions.html#xtor=EPR-1584
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