FIT in MANAGEMENT® – Major Projects and Infrastructures – Senior Project Manager Missions with International Profile
Experienced professionals, you are looking for Major Project and Infrastructure missions in transition management.
You will be placed under the authority of the Support Director at Group Headquarters.
Your objectives:
- Bieng responsible for the execution of contracts
- Assisting the Project Manager
- Controlling contractual monitoring
- Ensuring that performance is in accordance with the terms and conditions of the associated contracts (preserve the margin on business)
- Ensuring compliance with Group methods
Your profile:
- Training as an engineer in civil/hydraulic engineering
- Great rigour in safety, quality and respect for environment
- Significant experience in team leadership
- Knowledge of civil engineering and networks
- Practice of large projects
- Minium a 5-year experience in environmental services, international contract management and project management
- Practice of French and English (international travel)
- Receipt of your CV and cover letter as soon as possible
- These long-term assignments will start immediately according to your profile
Send your application to contact@fitin-group.com
Copy to eric.kombila@fitin-group.com
Feel free to forward to your contacts!
Are you interested in this type of mission? Join the FIT in NETWORK® http://bit.ly/2xSMIfB