Green management jobs: a variety of profiles and backgrounds
Because of Earth Day on April 22, we decided to dedicate this week to green and green companies. Executives in green jobs have very diverse profiles. However, there are some specificities among these executives.
Professionals from well identified backgrounds
Nearly 9 out of 10 private sector executives working in green jobs have a degree of 3 years or more, compared to an average of three quarters of executives. Their initial training is very varied. The most frequent training courses are general engineering (21% among young graduates and 25% among the most experienced) and environment/ecology (respectively 24% and 20%).
Depending on their profession, executives do not always have the same characteristics
Private sector executives working in green jobs are mainly present in service activities (59% against 65% for all executives), especially in engineering-R&D. The industry sector represents 23% of the executives working in green jobs, and the construction sector 10%. Most of them are employed in SMEs and large companies (62%). The proportion of those under 30 years old is twice as high as for all active executives (26%).
Multiple mobility areas remind us of the importance of continuous training
With many jobs expected to become greener as a result of the green transition, there is no doubt that improving skills through continuing education will become increasingly important. The ability of managers to learn new skills and adapt to changing environments (new standards, new processes, new goals) is likely to become increasingly important.
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