Telecommuting has become a must for executives

Telework is a factor in improving the quality of life at work and is a criterion that managers take into account when selecting job offers or negotiating the terms and conditions during recruitment interviews. However, their QWL expectations are not limited to the possibility of teleworking.

Telework, a criterion more and more sought after by executives

Telecommuting is becoming an important issue when recruiting: 1 out of 2 employed executives would be reluctant to join a company that does not offer telecommuting (+6 points compared to 2021) and a quarter of executives would exclude this perspective completely. Companies are slowly becoming aware of this. While 22% of them thought in 2021 that not offering telework was a hindrance to recruiting executives, 33% of them now think so. Opinions still differ widely between large companies, which overwhelmingly share this view (64%), and SMEs (33%) and VSEs (32%), which remain a minority.

As soon as the job offer is made or during the negotiation at the interview

In executive job offers, companies mention telecommuting possibilities a little more than in the past: more than1 in 4 job offers published on specify the possible pace of telecommuting, compared to less than1 in 10 at the beginning of 2021. However, they still often prefer to talk about it during the interviews, conceiving telework as an element that can win the decision of the executives in a market in strong tension, as if it was an advantage granted to the employee rather than a criterion likely to influence the act of application. Telework has also become a negotiating factor for managers: more than a quarter of them do not hesitate to negotiate the number of days they can telework during the recruitment process.

Telework: a trigger for new expectations in terms of quality of life at work

Teleworking has become a real issue in the recruitment process of executives because it embodies the subject of quality of life at work. But if it is an undeniable progress in this field, it is not the exclusive tool. It has little or no influence on the content of work and does not fully address two other important dimensions, namely working conditions and the capacity for expression and action. Thus, executives express expectations to increase flexibility in the organization of work, to further improve life balance - for example, by regulating working hours, especially those of meetings - and to strengthen executives' capacity for expression and action, whether through participative management, co-construction of strategy or employee shareholding.

Sources :

  • EPAC

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