Enneagram: Understanding your personality to develop your style

What is the Enneagram?

The Enneagram is a model of the structure of the human person. This model translates into nine different personality configurations, nine ways of defining ourselves. Each of us has a tendency to favor one of these self-images in our lives. By studying the consequences of this choice, the Enneagram gives a very precise description of the human psyche, and enables us to explain and/or predict, with astonishing reliability, our attitude to different life circumstances. It helps you develop your managerial skills.

The different types of profile :

  • The perfectionist:

Fair to themselves and to others. These people tend to believe that there is only one "right" way of doing things. They often see themselves as defenders of integrity and ethics, and may delay a decision for fear of making a mistake.

  • The altruist:

Seeking affection and approval, the altruist seeks to be loved and appreciated by becoming indispensable to others. Oriented towards satisfying the other's needs, they can become manipulative and multifaceted, showing a different face to each person.

  • The Purchaser:

They usually make good leaders, coaches, salespeople or team captains. They seek to be loved for their results. Kings of appearance, they have trouble differentiating their "real self" from the manager who achieves his goals at work.

  • Individualism:

The focus is on what's missing. The ideal is not here and now, but elsewhere, often in the past. More than others, he suffers from the absence of a partner. Theatrical, melancholic, sensitive and artistic, he's creative in the way he lives.
his way of life.

  • The observer:

They are sensitive to their vital space, their secret garden. They strive to keep an emotional distance from others. They are detached from people, feelings and objects. They favor knowledge and the intellectual life.

  • Loyalists:

They are anti-authoritarian, identify with the weak, have a strong sense of duty and are loyal to their chosen cause. Development axis: from self-doubt to self-confidence.

  • Enthusiasts:

They are often superficial, adventurous and have difficulty getting involved. They like to keep several options open and seek to maintain a high level of excitement. Generally happy and cheerful, they bring good cheer.

  • The Challenger:

They need to be in control. Protective, they love a fight. They express anger as it comes and appreciate those who have the courage to face it.
They are competent and fair, especially in the face of adversity.

  • Peacemaker:

She easily sees all points of view and tends to replace her own desires with those of others. They often find it difficult to distinguish the real objective from secondary tasks. They enjoy working as diplomats, advisors and negotiators.

We all have weaknesses and strengths, and this model helps us to get to know each other better and adjust the way we work.

And you, what's your profile ?

Source :




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