Hiring intentions for managers down slightly in Q3
For the 3rd quarter of 2023, hiring difficulties remain at a high level, and executive recruitment intentions are down slightly. On the other hand, executives are much more likely to be looking for career changes.
Recruitment difficulties persist
In the short term, companies are maintaining good business clarity, whatever their size. 65% feel able to anticipate their business over the next three months.
Overall, management hiring intentions held steady inQ3 (12%). In large organizations, and for the past 2 half-years in a row, recruitment intentions are down (49% vs 54% 1 year ago), which is not the case in SMEs (18%) and VSEs (8%).
Executives seek professional mobility
The current job market and economic climate are conducive to executive mobility. Executives see this as a good time to change companies. Executives know that they are in a position of strength, and see external mobility as an opportunity to improve their remuneration. In fact, they are increasingly solicited: 35% of executives have been contacted by a recruitment agency in the last three months (+4 points compared to 2022 and +6 points compared to 2021). Some 14% of executives surveyed (+2 points) plan to change company within the next three months, and 37% within the next 12 months.
Employers need to attract and retain executives
Companies need to rethink the way they attract and retain candidates. Not only must they find and convince executives to join them, but they must also try to retain them when they consider resigning.
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